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Sæt TURBO på din personlige udvikling

Dato og tid

Lørdag d. 5. september 2015 kl. 08:30 til 16:00


Torsdag d. 3. september 2015 kl. 17:30


LETT Advokatpartnerselskab, Vester Allé 4, 8000 Aarhus C LETT Advokatpartnerselskab
Vester Allé 4
8000 Aarhus C

Sæt TURBO på din personlige udvikling


Sæt TURBO på din personlige udvikling. JCI 8000 Aarhus afholder udviklingsdag for dig som vil udfordre dig selv og blive bedre i morgen end du er i dag.


Goal mapping – the simple system for sustainable success
(in English) Med Katalin Kónya

The speaker for this event is Katalin Kónya - Career Counselor at CA A-Kasse, 2013 world champion in kickboxing for Denmark and a Certified Goal Mapping Practitioner. 

She is passionate about teaching people how to use a whole-brain achievement system called Goal Mapping – a technique used in many successful companies like Microsoft, Siemens, Coca-Cola, organizations, schools, universities and by millions of people around the world.

Katalin believes in sharing her knowledge about goal setting especially to international students in Denmark. As a former international student herself, Katalin's experience is similar to that of other foreign students and useful for those who desire to live and work in Denmark.

Whatever your dream is, Goal Mapping can help you achieve it. Throughout recorded history, the most successful men and women have been those who have learned to develop their natural goal-setting ability into a powerful skill for achievement. Goal setting is a natural function of the brain. Making a decision triggers a subconscious process that transforms the decision into a deed. Learning the most effective way to set goals is the number one prerequisite for success in any endeavor, for any individual, team or organization. The Goal Mapping system will powerfully impact your goals upon your subconscious. It is a combination of ancient wisdom and modern accelerated learning techniques, woven together with success principles into one holistic system. Where traditional goal setting techniques focus on left-brain words, only using endless repetition. Goal Mapping uses words and imagery – the language of the subconscious.

This workshop is focused on learning to steer change towards the direction of your desires through the process and technology of the unique whole-brain system, Goal Mapping. Learning to set and achieve objectives is the master skill of life as it is the skill that enables the achievement and learning of all other skills and objectives.


Personlig effektivitet
med Hanne Boutrup - Chefkonsulent

Hanne har siden 1993 arbejdet internationalt - i Europa, Asien, USA - senest som Communication Director hos LEGO Gruppen. Hannes arbejdsområde har altid været med fokus på formidling - kommunikation - træning af såvel medarbejdere som ledere. 

Har du styr på tiden, eller styrer den dig?

Tiden er reelt set en ressource som vi alle har lige meget af.                                                                

Det der i bund og grund gør os forskellige i vores effektivtet er hvordan vi anvender tiden. 

Hanne Boutrup vil på en herlig og pågående facon give kendskab til brugbare værktøjer til at:  

  • Prioritere din tid
  • Skærpe din koncentration 
  • Undgå overspringshandlinger 
  • Bryde kompleksitet ned til overskuelige handlinger 

Din dag er 86.400 sekunder lang – Hvordan vil du bruge dem...?


Tilmelding forgår via nemtilmeld her på siden. 

Med Venlig Hilsen
JCI 8000 Aarrhus