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JCI 8000 - JCI Discover: Tilbage til rødderne

Dato og tid

Torsdag d. 11. marts 2021 kl. 18:00 til 21:30


Søndag d. 7. marts 2021 kl. 22:45


Online Online

JCI 8000 - JCI Discover: Tilbage til rødderne


Hvad er JCI? Hvad kan du egentligt bruge JCI til? Hvordan kan du gøre en forskel i verden? 

Det og meget mere får du svar på på JCI 8000's martsmøde, som udforsker JCI's kerneværdier via et helt nyt, officielt JCI kursus. Kurset er desuden brugbart, hvis du selv en dag kunne tænke dig at blive JCI træner.

Aftenen foregår på engelsk, da kurset er så nyt, at ingen danskere endnu er certificeret i det - men efter denne aften er alle os, der deltager, det forhåbentligt!


JCI Discover:

Every exciting journey begins with discovering a new path. In this interactive course, participants embark on an engaging journey that goes down the path that answers why JCI exists. Through group activities and discussion, participants will understand the core values and framework that drives the JCI Mission, explore the skills you can develop through JCI, and what it means to be an active citizen creating sustainable impact in a changing world.

Our trainer, Annika Hedström:

Annika Hedström is the 2017 European Champion and world finalist in Public Speaking. She is also the 2013 World Champion in Debating. She served on the 2020 Skills Development Committee, representing Europe.

Annika lives in Oslo, Norway and is a member of JCI Innovation since 2007. She has been a local VP, Local President, National Conference director, JCI Norway Secretary General and is an active trainer since 2012. She holds several trainings in public speaking and debating, in addition to presentation technique, communication and most official JCI courses.

Annika is convinced that practice makes perfect, as it both gives confidence on stage and is an opportunity to work though the speech and get feedback along the way.

Professionally, Annika works as a Director of Administration in a small innovation company in the gas industry, and has a training company, Unzip, together with two JCI colleagues.


(18:00 - 18:30 Online dinner, optional)
18:30 - 18:45 Login, get settled (link will be made public via email well before)
18:45 - 21:15 JCI Discover (incl. break)
21:15 - 21:30 JCI 8000 announcements etc.
21:30 - ??? Official programme is over, time for hygge, for those who feel like it :)

Spørgsmål? Tag fat i Theresa Færch på tlf. 22482710